


Founding Director, 老龄与健康卓越中心


托马斯·米. (“Tom”)Meuser于秋季加入正规澳门赌场网络, 2018, as a Professor of Social Work in the Westbrook College of 健康的职业 and as the Founding Director of the new university-wide 老龄研究中心 & 健康 (CEAH). 他被任命为健康,健康, & 2023年秋季职业研究课程. 

正规澳门赌场网络遗产学者计划 is the signature program of the center and engages interested adults, 55岁以上, 支持健康老龄化的研究和学术研究. 未来遗产学者可以在线注册 在这里.

Dr. 汤姆默兹 is a clinical psychologist with specialized training and experience in narrartive gerontology, 痴呆症的神经心理学, and psychosocial intervention approaches to enhance well-being in older adults.  汤姆是同行评议期刊的编辑委员会成员, 老年医学 & 老年教育他被命名为 2011年成为美国老年学会会员.

性格开朗,善于合作, Tom is thrilled to be part of the UNE family and Portland area community! Directing the CEAH is a professional dream come true for a hands on, applied gerontologist. He welcomes involvement and suggestions from anyone who cares about promoting healthful, 缅因州和其他地方的“充满意义”的衰老.

汤姆在康涅狄格海岸出生并长大, where he attended Fairfield College Preparatory School (""Prep") and later earned his undergraduate degree in Psychology from the 圣十字学院 in Worcester, MA. 他在缅因州和新英格兰各地都有家人, 搬到缅因州在很多层面上都是一种回归. Tom's geneological roots in New England go back to the early 1600s and Nantucket Island. 汤姆的母亲是梅西家族的一员,他是梅西家族的直系后裔 托马斯·梅西他是那个岛屿社区的早期定居者和领袖.

Tom earned his MA and PhD degrees in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis on aging from the 密苏里大学-圣. 路易(1992, 1997), and he completed a post-doctoral fellowship in clinical geropsychology practice at the Center for 健康y 老化 in Akron, OH, in 1998. His fellowship training emphasized practice in nursing home and assisted living settings - important settings for thoughtful, 今天以人为本的干预.

的 next decade of his professional career was spent in medical school settings where he honed his skills as a researcher and translational educator. He served as the Administrative Director for the Alzheimer's Disease Brain Bank at Saint 路易 University School of Medicine in 1998-99. 然后他过渡到 奈特阿尔茨海默病研究中心 (ADRC) at Washington University of School of Medicine (1999-2007) where he served as a 中心联合研究员和核心领导 在国家老龄化研究所的“P50”中心资助下.  Just before coming to UNE, Tom served as an Interim Associate Dean for the College of Arts & 密苏里大学圣. 路易, where is also directed the 老年医学 Program starting in 2007. 他被圣. 路易 Post Dispatch在2012年为他的后期作品获奖.

Tom is known for his work loss and grief in dementia caregiving (including a widely used measure - the 照顾者悲伤量表),老司机健身,以及回忆和生活回顾. His latest research focuses on legacy beliefs in older adults and cross-generational communication about what matters most in life. 他在2017年的TED演讲中谈到了这项工作.

汤姆创立了UM - St. 路易斯生命回顾项目, and he and his students have conducted over 350 video recorded life story videos with senior volunteers since. One such volunteer was Fay Badasch with whom he later co-wrote an article on narrative intervention. 他打算继续在正规澳门赌场网络从事这种奉献生命的工作. "的re's no better way to teach a young student about aging than by linking her with a willing older adult in the context of 分享一个完整的人生故事汤姆说。.

汤姆发表的研究范围很广 正规澳门赌场网络老龄化的许多问题, while staying close to themes of independence, coping, meaning and successful life transition. 他在人类受试者研究的各个方面都很有经验, 包括学习管理, 格兰特写作, 数据库开发, 混合方法、数据分析和发表/传播研究结果. 他是十几家老龄化期刊的定期审稿人, and he's participated in a number of NIH and other grant-related study sections (i.e., where research proposals are reviewed and scored) over the years. He looks forward to drawing on this experience as be helps grow new aging-related research and scholarship at UNE. 

Tom's wife, Christy, is an Occupational 的rapist, and they have three children. 他喜欢远足。, 皮划艇, 骑自行车, 品尝精酿啤酒, 院子里工作, 回家修理, 以及其他各种各样的“修复”项目. 在业余时间, he enjoys listening to NPR and reading nonfiction books on 20th Century history and adventure stories.

He's especially fond of WW2 历史 and he had the good fortune of knowing many participants in this seminal conflict, 包括巴丹死亡行军的幸存者, 1941年12月7日珍珠港事件的英雄, and the last surviving pilot with kills in both the European and Asian 的aters. His grandfather served in the Navy in and around the Aleutian Islands. His uncle earned a Purple Heart for his service as an infantryman during the battle for Tarawa Island in the Pacific. 这些天,这么多退伍军人的去世令人悲伤, but they leave a tremendous legacy in the making of America and in the oral, 他们为后代留下了电影和文字的历史.



密苏里大学-圣. 路易


Internship, Pre-Doctoral Clinical Internship in 健康 Psychology & 老化

Fellowship, Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Gerontological Practice



默兹T.M., Mthembu, T.G.奥弗顿,B.L.罗曼,美国.V.米勒,R。.D.莱昂斯,K.P., & 木匠,B.D. (2018). Legacy beliefs across generations: Comparing views of older parents and their adult children. 国际老龄化杂志 & 人类发展. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0091415018757212

默兹T.M.伯格-韦格,M.卡尔,D。.B.,史,S., & 斯图尔特,维. (2016). Clinician effectiveness in assessing fitness-to-drive of medically at-risk older adults. 美国老年医学会杂志, 64, 849-854.

默兹T.M.伯格-韦格,M.Chibnall, J.T.,哈蒙,A.C., & 斯托J.N. (2011). Assessment of readiness for mobility transition (ARMT): A tool for mobility transition counseling with older adults. 应用老年学杂志, 32(4), 484-507. doi: 10.1177/0733464811425914.

默兹T.M.卡尔,D。.B.C.施瓦茨伯格,J.G., & Ulfarsson G.F. (2010). 的 American Medical Association Older Driver Curriculum for 健康 Professionals: Changes in trainee confidence, 的态度, & 实践行为, 老年学杂志 & 老年教育, 31, 290-309.

默兹T.M.博伊西,L., & 莫里斯,我.C. (2004). Clinician beliefs and practice in dementia care: Implications for 健康 Educators. 教育老年学, 30, 491-516.

默兹T.M., & Marwit,年代.J. (2001). A comprehensive, stage-sensitive model of grief in dementia caregiving. 的老年医学, 41(5), 658-700.



照顾者悲伤量表 完整的 & 形式

机动过渡准备评估(ARMT) - 完整的形式 & 手册

临床培训视频 (与圣路易斯大学的同事一起):

快速认知屏幕 -用于检测轻度认知障碍和痴呆

回忆的干预 -轻度至中度痴呆症患者

认知刺激疗法 -适用于患有严重痴呆症的人

下跌风险 & 老年双重任务

复方用药 ——风险 & 临床检测